Theatre Director



Door Ajar Theatre

Written by Samantha Sutherland

Vault Festival 2016 (Winner of the “Festival Spirit” award) // Gerry’s Studio, Theatre Royal Stratford East, March 2017 // UK Tour, Spring 2017

Thisbe gives an interesting view of a classic and brings it alive with a company of actor musicians who are blending comedy, music and sign language in to a very different kind of production.
— Theatre Weekly

Fourteen years have passed since the fateful night Thisbe’s parents, Helena and Demetrius, were lost in the woods. The only thing they remember is waking up completely in love with one another. But as their love becomes obsession, where does this leave their neglected and confused daughter, Thisbe?

Cue the prankster Puck and his fairy flunkeys who love nothing more than to meddle with the mortal world. With the promise of solving all of her problems, they lure Thisbe into the woods where it isn’t long before she finds herself embroiled in their roguery.

Intoxicated with magic and adventure, has Thisbe gone too far this time? Can she stop her family falling apart? And does she even want to?

With BSL interpretation built into every performance and an original score, this play is full of playful wit and boisterous theatricality.

//Photography by Alex Brenner